Monday, December 18, 2017

How To Prepare For A New Piercing

Piercings aren’t as serious or permanent as tattoos, but there is still some preparations that should be taken before you sit down in the chair. No matter what piercing you’re getting, here’s what you need to know to get ready for your new piercing.

Research Ahead of Time
Before going in for a piercing, it’s a good idea to always do some research. Safety and cleanliness are what you should be looking for. Make sure it is a licensed studio and your piercer is a professional. It’s a good idea to make sure they do the piercing you want ahead of time too.

Drink Water and Get Sleep
When you get a piercing, you’re introducing a foreign object to the body and causing trauma to it. The body will work to heal itself, which requires it to work harder than normal. Being hydrated and well rested will help your body do its job.

Sick, Stay At Home
If you’re sick, it’s okay to reschedule your appointment. Being healthy is important to proper healing. Plus, when you come in sick you expose others to the illness, especially your piercer who is likely working close to your face. Be considerate and stay home if you’re sick.

Disclose Medical Conditions
Toronto tattoo shops and piercers don’t need a full medical history, but have certain medical conditions should be disclosed. Some conditions may even need a doctor’s note before you can get piercer. Medical conditions like blood disorders or heart conditions should be disclosed, simply so your piercer can take extra precautions if necessary. Just because you have a medical condition doesn’t mean you can’t get piercer. We just want to ensure everyone’s safety involved.

Bring ID
Tattoo shops in Toronto require valid government ID before doing any piercings or tattoos. Certain piercings have legal age restrictions on them. Anyone under the age of 16 needs parental consent to anything more than a love piercing, and nipple and genital piercings will absolutely only be given to people over 18, regardless of if they have their parent’s consent or not.

Leave Plenty of Time
Arrive a few minutes before your scheduled appointment so that you have time to select your jewelry and ask any questions. After the piercing is done your piercer will chat with you and go over aftercare tips. Being rushed just makes everyone stressed, so have plenty of time.

Prepare Mentally
Piercings are quick and pretty painless (other than some initial discomfort), but if you’re squeamish prepare mentally ahead of time. Bring along a friend or two for emotional support too if you need it.

Hair and Clothing
Hair should be kept out of the way, especially for facial piercings. Long hair can get tangled in them, which can be painful if they’re new. Clothing should be loose and avoid wearing anything that could rub against or get caught in your new piercing.

Come Sober
We legally cannot piercer anyone that is intoxicated, and even if we could we wouldn’t. Alcohol thins the blood, which can lead to more bleeding during a piercing. There’s also the chance that you’ll be a drunken fool and accidentally harm your new piercing. So arrive sober, or leave without a new piercing.

Please Come Clean
We shouldn’t have to say this, but please come clean. Wash, shower, and groom ahead of time, please. We also recommend doing any shaving because it may not be possible while the piercing heals.

Aftercare is the most important step for a new piercing. Your piercer will go through it all with you but it’s up to you to follow it. Keep the area clean, and avoid touching it. If you think it’s infected, come back to the original piercer to get their advice.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Tattoo Questions: Can I Get My Own Art Tattooed?

We get asked this question a lot in our Toronto tattoo shop. Here is everything you need to know about potentially getting your own artwork tattooed on yourself.

Not All Art Works As Tattoos
Tattoos are a whole other art form in itself. That means that not every drawing will translate well into a tattoo. Don’t be afraid to show your design to the artist, but just know that they’ll likely have to make a few changes to make it looks its best.

It Will Have To Be Redrawn
Even if your artwork can perfectly be turned into a tattoo, that tattoo artist will still have to redraw it. They may have to alter the proportions of the body, or simply redraw it onto the stencil that will be their guide.

Art Style Will Impact Your Artist
Like art, tattoos have different styles. What type of art do you create? This will impact what tattoo artist can best translate it into a tattoo. Finding one with a similar aesthetic will be key to getting the best results.

You’ll Have To Pay The Same Amount
This may seem unfair, but the design is only a portion of what you’re paying the tattoo artist for. The price also covers the equipment, the ink, the artist’s skill, and their time. You may have saved them a few minutes by creating the initial design, but all of the other work is left to them.

Don’t Be Offended If We Say No
If we say no to your tattoo design it isn’t a personal insult. Some tattoos just won’t work. Tattoo artists work for years to reach a level of skill and expertise so if they say it won’t work, they’re not lying to you and it’s not because they don’t like the artwork.

If It Has Meaning, Let Us Know
We understand that tattoos are personal and not everyone feels comfortable opening up. Tattoo artists are like therapist though in that many people do open up to them. Let us know if a piece of artwork has some meaning so that if we have to make any changes we can make sure to still capture what’s so special about it. We don’t want to press you for the whole story, but a little insight will ensure your tattoo artist delivers something that you’ll love.

Some Artists Won’t Under Any Circumstances
You know what they say about artists. Some tattoo artists have worked in the industry so long that they only do their own original work. It’s not personal; they just have reached a place in their career where they can be a bit picky about what they do. Most artists are open to tattoos clients work though; just ask ahead when booking to be sure.

The answer to the question isn’t straightforward. You can get your own artwork tattooed but it may be to be changed and altered for the best outcome. Book a consultation with a tattoo artist in our downtown Toronto tattoo shop today to get started!