Wednesday, March 29, 2017

7 Things Your Piercer Wants You To Know

Getting piercings isn’t as big of a deal as it used to be. Nowadays they are common, socially accepted, and usually aren’t as permanent as a tattoo. 

Still, anytime you are putting a needle into your body (even for a second) you should take it with some seriousness. There are a few things that piercer’s wish people knew before heading to their local Toronto tattoo shop. Here are seven of them:

1.    Avoid Piercing Guns
Almost everyone has gotten a piercing with a gun at some point, usually as a child in the mall. But piercers wish people would stay away from them. Not only are they not regulated or precise but they also are extremely hard to sanitize properly meaning you’re more likely to get an infection. Guns also use a dull stud rather than a sharp needle, which makes them more likely to damage the area.

2.    Only Listen to Professional Aftercare Advice
You should only listen to aftercare advice of a trained, professional piercer. In other words, avoid the Internet. People are still spouting off aftercare advice that they learned from a Claire’s piercing handout as a kid. Don’t twist the piercings when it’s dry as this can cause damage. Always clean it properly to avoid infections. If you ever have any questions or concerns be sure to contact a professional piercer to get your answers, not Google.

3.    Don’t Throw Around the Word Infected
People toss around the word infected about their piercings far too often. It’s actually pretty rare for a piercing to become infected as this can only really happen in the first few weeks. Most often people confuse normal irritation and healing with infection. Some hurting, soreness, oozing, crusting, and swelling is perfectly normal and part of the healing process.

4.    Don’t Go to a Doctor For a Piercing
As soon as people worry their piercing is infected they go running to the doctor. This is a big mistake though as most doctors don’t actually know a whole lot about piercings and can just make the situation worse. Always go back to your piercer first if you have any concerns. They will best advise you on when and if you should go see a doctor.

5.    Don’t Haggle
Save the price haggling for the flea market, not the tattoo shop. Getting a piercing done by a professional can be a little pricey, especially if it’s a unique piercing. But you get what you pay for. Going cheap can lead to an uneven, unsanitary piercing that will end up costing you more later on. Professional piercers are trained, experienced, and follow certain regulations so they know what they are doing. Don’t insult them or their work by haggling on a price. Prices are set for a reason.

6.    Communicate and Be Honest
They say communication is key for a reason. Communicate with your piercer every step of the way. Be honest with them about your feelings, concerns, and what you want. Don’t be afraid to ask any questions, even if you think they sound dumb. Your piercer isn’t going to judge you. Even if you go in with a piercing you did yourself or by a poor non-professional piercer to get fixed your piercer just wants to help you out go be open and honest with them always.

7.    Listen to Your Piercer’s Advice
You go to a professional for a reason. They know what they’re doing and talking about so be sure to listen to them and follow their advice. If they tell you a certain piercing can’t or shouldn’t be done listen to them. Head their advice on placement, jewelry size, and all aftercare tips. It’s their job to give you the best possible piercing and advice, that’s why you’re paying for a professional after all.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Everything About Tattoo Regret

It’s a shame when people regret their tattoos. Tattoos are expensive, time-consuming, and pretty permanent. Unfortunately, it happens, though. As more people are getting them more people are also getting them removed. It raises some questions, like who, why, and when are people getting their tattoos removed. Here is everything you need to know about tattoo regret so you don’t end up regretting your own ink.
People often wonder who is regretting their tattoos. Women actually make up the majority of people getting their tattoos removed. They account for closer to 72% of all tattoo removal procedures. It might also be surprising to learn that it’s not teenagers or young adults getting tattoos removed. Most people who regret their tattoos are middle aged.
A big concern for some people getting tattoos is that they’re worried they will regret it when they get older. The majority of removals happen between the ages of 35-50 so it’s a valid concern. In the past few years, people over the age of 85 gave been starting to make a dent in the removal population.
There are a number of reasons people regret their tattoos. Some of them are pretty valid too. Here are the top reasons.
It’s Related to An Ex
The biggest reason people regret a tattoo? It’s related to an ex. Whether it’s their name, one-half of a couple tattoo or just something that reminds them of the ex, any tattoos related to an ex-significant other is cause for regret. Love isn’t permanent but tattoos are, so be 100% before getting a tattoo with your S.O.
It’s Too Visible
Sometimes people regret a tattoo not because of the design but because of the location. A tattoo being too visible is a cause for regret. Society is more accepting of tattoos now but some jobs still require them to be covered, which can be difficult. People often feel that certain visible tattoos hold them back professionally.
Faded Ink
No matter how good a tattoo artist is, ink fades. The older the tattoo is the more faded it will be. Certain things can be done to slow this down but nothing can be done to stop it. Some people love their original tattoo but as it fades it starts to lose their appeal. Luckily, a faded tattoo can be restored so it doesn’t have to be removed.
Poor Quality Work
There’s nothing worse than going in for a tattoo and coming out with poor quality work. A poor job done on a tattoo is probably the top reason people regret them. Not all tattoo artists are the same so be sure to research yours before hand.
Design Mistake
Who hasn’t gotten a good laugh from seeing those tattoo mistake pictures online? Whether a word is misspelled, a translation wrong, or a font choice that makes a word look like something else design mistakes suck. They’re not only a product of a bad artist but they are a cause for regret. Sometimes they can be fixed but other times it’s a permanent reminder of not double-checking.
Feelings Towards Image Changed
Feelings and attitudes towards certain things change over time. Sometimes it’s because of age or maturity, or it could be because of a major life event. There’s no way to tell if you’ll love your tattoo in the future. If you’re worried about this write down your idea, put it away for a while, and then look at it again. If you still want it then go for it and get it done.
Drunken Mistake
There’s a reason tattoo shops don’t like to tattoo drunk people. Alcohol makes people’s blood thinner, which causes more bleeding during the process. But more than that, people tend to make bad decisions when they’re drunk. So do yourself a favor and stay away from tattoo shops when you’re intoxicated to avoid a butterfly tramp stamp in the morning.
Inappropriate Image
When you’re young an inappropriate image seems funny and daring, even rebellious. When you’re older it’s just stupid. Even the most relaxed jobs about tattoos will take issue if it depicts something offensive or inappropriate. Not to mention many parents regret certain tattoos once they have children. Kind of hard to explain that naked girl on your arm to your toddler.
Aged Badly
Certain tattoos don’t age well and it’s not always because of ink fading. Bodies change, as people get older. Muscles disappear, fat appears, and skin becomes less tight. All of this can impact the look and design of a tattoo. Certain areas will be more affected by age than others so consider this when getting inked. No wonder the older crowd is beginning to make a dent in the removal population.
It’s a good thing that tattoos are becoming more accepted and popular in this age. It’s even better that tattoo removal options are becoming more effective and cheaper too. In order to prevent regretting a tattoo though thing about it before you go through with it. Sit on a design for a while, research your artist, and make sure you’ll love it now and in the future. Contact our Toronto Tattoo Shop today to discuss getting a tattoo, covering one up, or getting a touch-up.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Underboob Tattoos 101

Everything you need to know about underboob tattoos

At our Toronto Tattoo Shop underboob tattoos have become a hit trend. It all started in 2012 when Rihanna got an underboob tattoo of the Egyptian goddess Isis in honor of her late grandmother. Rihanna, a celebrity icon that already oozed coolness, suddenly became even cooler. Since then this location has only become more popular as each year passed.
Underboob Placement
This location is hard to define since it over creeps into chest, sternum, stomach and rib regions. There’s a defining shape to underboob tattoos though that mirror Rihanna’s iconic one. Underboobs tattoos tend to be symmetrical, sweeping into arches under the breasts.
Design and Look
Part of the reason this tattoo location has become so trendy is that a lot of them look the same. Even a one of a kind tattoo looks similar to others because they all have the same shapes. There’s a natural shape to the underboob region that requires this similar shape.
Designs tend to follow certain patterns for this region. Half mandalas, chandelier or jewelry pieces, and creatures with feathers are all popular. Octopuses are rising in popularity as well. The design has to look good with the natural curves of this area.
There’s a downside to this trendy location- they’re painful to get, like really painful. The skin in this area is more sensitive and thinner than other areas. There’s also more bone in this region, especially on the sternum and ribs. All tattoos hurt but if you have a low pain tolerance consider getting a tattoo in another location.
The thing about trendy tattoos is that you have to pick the right artist and shop to get them done at. A trendy spot or style typically hasn’t been around as long meaning not everyone has skill in it. Look at an artist’s portfolio or a tattoo shop’s Instagram to find an artist that has experience and skill in underboob tattoos.
We should let you know that there’s some controversy about underboob tattoos. You should never let anyone dictate what goes on your body but it’s still a good idea to know what people are saying about them ahead of time. Underboob tattoos are often called the “new tramp stamps”. The location is risqué and a little trashy to some people.
The only opinion that should matter when it comes to tattoos is your own. Just make sure that you’ll be happy with your tattoo, not just weeks and months afterward but years. This location is hard to do cover up tattoos and to get removed.
Underboob tattoos are a beautiful and bold trendy location for people that want to make a statement. Make sure you find the right artist, design, and tattoo shop to get yours done at.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Top 12 Locations People Are Tattooed

Toronto tattoo shops have seen and tattooed it all. From the extremely visible to the incredibly personal, tattoo artists will ink anywhere; it’s part of the job. Some places are more popular than others, though. Gender plays a big role in where people get inked more than any other factor. Here are the top 12 places people get tattooed.
The neck has been gaining popularity as tattoos have become more socially acceptable. In the past, this location was avoided because it was hard to cover up, a problem for people with certain jobs. Females have especially been getting more lately but it’s still not the most popular location.
Males: 8%
Females: 4%
Upper Back/ Shoulders
The upper back and shoulders are by far one of the most popular places to get inked. The area is pretty painless (as painless as a tattoo can be), the area is large, and can be covered easily by clothing. For both men and women, it’s the second more popular location for tattoos.
Males: 34%
Females: 25%
Thanks to celebrities like Rihanna, chest tattoos have become more popular among women. It’s actually become the third most popular location for them and it’s always been a popular place for men. Be warned, though, it’s a painful place to get tattooed due to the thin skin and boney areas.
Males: 17%
Females: 20%
Stomach tattoos aren’t as popular as they use to be but they’re still high on the list. The area isn’t as painful as other places and it has the added benefit of being able to be covered easily.
Males: 5%
Females: 13%
Arms are the top spot that men get tattooed. That number drops significantly for women, though. The arm is a pretty painless area and getting a sleeve ( a full arm of tattoos) has become popular thanks to celebrities like David Beckham.
Males: 75%
Females: 7%
Getting hands and fingers tattoos is rising in popularity, in fact, tiny finger tattoos are becoming a trend. In the past, this area was considered taboo, as it was hard to cover and was usually reserved for criminals and thugs. The area can be painful and tattoos here tend to fade quicker so be warned.
Males: 47%
Females: 1%
Lower Back
The lower back, home for the infamous tramp stamp. The popularity of lower back tattoos has definitely dropped in recent years. Tattoo in this area, thanks in part to the common nickname “tramp stamp” have gained the perception of being not classy.
Males: 5%
Females: 18%
Hip tattoos aren’t as popular and there’s a simple reason why- pain. Tattoo artists say the hip is one of the most painful areas to get tattooed. The area there is usually all bone, which is why it hurts so badly.
Males: 2%
Females: 9%
When we said tattoo shops get personal, this is what we meant. Butt tattoos are only one of the intimate places tattoo artists get to see. The area isn’t super popular but we still see our fair share. This area is easy to cover, isn’t seen by a lot of people, and is pretty painless due to the lack of bone and thin skin.
Males: 3%
Females: 15%
Leg tattoos are a favorite among clients and artists. The area is big enough to allow for detailed pieces. The leg isn’t too painful to get tattooed either but that all depends on what area of the leg you get inked at.
Males: 20%
Females: 14%
Ankle tattoos tend to be small and simple pieces. Be warned though that this area can be painful due to the bone here. This area is really popular, though, especially for women. It’s one of the least popular places for men, though.
Males: 2%
Females: 27%
Feet/ Toes
The feet and toes aren’t very popular for either men or women. It’s also a difficult place to judge the pain. Some people say it’s the most painful spot while other’s say it didn’t feel like anything at all. This area is full of bone, tendons and thin skin.
Males: 2%
Females: 4%

Friday, March 3, 2017

Tattoo Statistics You Might Not Know

We’ve tattooed a lot of people at our downtown Toronto Tattoo Shop - like, a lot. But even after all this time, we were still shocked by some of these tattoo statistics. Tattoos use to be the mark of military and criminals. Today, tattoos are for everyone and the statistics are certainly proving that.

It used to be that tattoos were something for military personnel, criminals, or rebels. Today they are becoming more common every year. About 3 out of ten Americans have at least one tattoo, which is up from a few years ago when it was one out of five. People aren’t stopping at one tattoo either. They say getting tattoos is addicting, which explains why 69% of people with tattoos have two or more.

In the past, men dominated the tattoo market. From artists to clients, men were the main ones there. That’s changing now, though. Almost an equal number of men and women are getting tattoos. In fact, 22% of women have tattoos, while 26% of men have them. This disparity is way less than it uses to be.

It shouldn’t be surprising to anyone that tattoos are more popular among the younger generations. 36% of people aged 20-31 have at least one tattoo, 24% of people aged 32-42 have one, and 15% for people aged 43-53. It also shouldn’t be surprising that Millennials and Gen Xers are more likely to have multiple tattoos too.

As the number of people getting tattoos goes up it’s not surprising that the number of people getting them removed gets higher too. About one-fourth of people says they regret one of their tattoos. There are so many reasons people end up regretting their ink, from having it being related to an ex to it being done by a bad tattoo artist. Make sure you don’t end up regretting your tattoo by researching your artist and studio ahead of time. Make sure you like the design as well by going on Instagram and online portfolios for inspiration.

Some locations are more popular than others when it comes to tattoos. Factors like design, size, coverage, pain and personal preference go into selecting where people get tattooed. Shoulders are popular for both men and women, while men get their hands tattooed significantly more than women and women have a proportionally larger number of ankle tattoos.

In the past, even as tattoos became more socially acceptable, many jobs required them to stay covered. This made it difficult for some people who selected locations that weren’t easily covered. Today, most job environments don’t require tattoos to be covered as long as they aren’t obscene or offensive.
Social ridicule or job limitations are no longer reasons to not get a tattoo. More people are expressing themselves with tattoos every year.