Everyone gets tattoos for different reasons. It could be to honor a loved one, commemorate a memory, or just show off something you love. Tattoos that reference characters from one’s childhood seems to tick all three of those boxes. Who wouldn’t want to remember the bliss of childhood when they look at their tattoo? Nostalgic tattoos are some of our favorite to do. Here are a few of our favorite ones we’ve done recently!
Monday, August 13, 2018
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Will Prince William Get Inked In Israel?
The royal family has been talked about a lot in the news lately, but this time the focus isn’t on Prince Harry. Prince William is currently undergoing a historical trip to Israel. While royal family members have visited the country in the past, they’ve never undergone an official trip until now. This trip is important politically, but as a tattoo shop we only have one question- is William going to follow in his ancestor’s footsteps and get a tattoo while he’s there?
Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, who later went on to become King Edward VII, (he was the oldest son of Queen Victoria if you need a little refresher on the royal family tree), began the tradition in 1862. Later, two of his children, Prince Albert Victor and Prince George (who later became King George V) made the same trip. They also both received tattoos.

Christian pilgrimage tattoos actually date all the way back to the early 7th century. Islam was beginning to spread into Egypt, which at the time was mainly a Coptic Christian society. After the Muslims conquered Egypt, they forced many of the Christians to convert to Islam. Some resisted and received crosses across their inner right wrist to mark them as Christians.
Over time, the Coptic Christians adopted this practice. They began the tradition of tattooing themselves with the crosses, and for many centuries Coptic Churches would only grant entry to those that could prove their Christian identity with this ink. These days, a tattoo is seen as a must for many Christian pilgrims that visit the Holy City.

They use a special technique, utilizing hand-carved stamps that have been passed down through the family for generations. A lot of these stamps have now found their ways into collectors or new tattoos artists, but the family still has a few originals ones. In fact, Wassim Razzouk who is still tattooing today still has what he believes is the original stamp that William’s ancestors were tattooed with.

As we mentioned, Prince William isn’t the first member of the British royal family to go to Israel. At least three of William’s ancestors have gotten inked after traveling to Jerusalem. They received the tattoos after making pilgrimages to the Holy City.Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, who later went on to become King Edward VII, (he was the oldest son of Queen Victoria if you need a little refresher on the royal family tree), began the tradition in 1862. Later, two of his children, Prince Albert Victor and Prince George (who later became King George V) made the same trip. They also both received tattoos.

Cultural Significance
Most members of the British royal family refrain from getting tattoos. Otherwise, Prince Harry would probably be covered. However, in this instance, the Queen might forgive it. After all, it’s become common for people that go on a Christian pilgrimage to Jerusalem to get tattoos marking the journey.Christian pilgrimage tattoos actually date all the way back to the early 7th century. Islam was beginning to spread into Egypt, which at the time was mainly a Coptic Christian society. After the Muslims conquered Egypt, they forced many of the Christians to convert to Islam. Some resisted and received crosses across their inner right wrist to mark them as Christians.
Over time, the Coptic Christians adopted this practice. They began the tradition of tattooing themselves with the crosses, and for many centuries Coptic Churches would only grant entry to those that could prove their Christian identity with this ink. These days, a tattoo is seen as a must for many Christian pilgrims that visit the Holy City.
Tattoo Design
So now you’re probably wondering what design the past royals received on their visit? There aren’t any pictures, but reportedly the tattoo depicted the Jerusalem cross and the three crowns of Israel. King Edward VII’s sons got the same the same design, and they also got some sweet dragon tattoos on a visit to Japan.
Tattoo Artist
No one really knows who tattooed the British royalty back in the day, but it’s said to be the Razzouk family. They are Coptic Christians that specialize in tattoos, who came to Jerusalem in 11750 from Egypt. The Razzouk’s still have a tattoo shop today, and have been tattooing pilgrims for the past 700 years!They use a special technique, utilizing hand-carved stamps that have been passed down through the family for generations. A lot of these stamps have now found their ways into collectors or new tattoos artists, but the family still has a few originals ones. In fact, Wassim Razzouk who is still tattooing today still has what he believes is the original stamp that William’s ancestors were tattooed with.

As cool as it would be to see the British royalty picking up the tradition of getting tattooed again, chances are it won’t happen. Prince William’s trip so far has mainly been about addressing the Israel-Palestine issue. However, there’s still hope! If you want a tattoo worthy of a royalty though, contact us to book an appointment!Monday, June 4, 2018
Man Denied Entry Into Bar Over Face Tattoos, And Yes It’s Legal
In 2018, tattoos, piercings, and body modifications barely get a second glance. They don’t hold the same taboo that they once did due to their ever-increasing popularity. But even as society has become more accepting, facial tattoos are still viewed negatively. A Winnipeg man found this out the hard way recently after he was denied entry into a bar over his facial tattoos.
Craig Ginter is a local Winnipeg tattoo artist. He and a few friends decided to grab food at a bar after work. However, he was stopped at the door by the bouncer and informed he wasn’t allowed in, even despite the fact that he had visited the bar before.
The reason? The bouncer notified them there was a sign stating they no face tattoos were allowed.
Ginter was understandably frustrated, stating, “If that’s what they think … that if I have face heavily tattooed that it makes me a bad person … well it doesn’t. I am a father. I work every day of the week. I am just trying to provide.”
While it does seem ridiculous that a man can be denied entry over harmless facial tattoos, unfortunately, the law isn’t on his side. The law prohibits discrimination on a variety of grounds, such as race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation. It doesn’t, however, exclude discrimination based on appearances, such as having tattoos.
This is why businesses can get away with those “no shirt, no shoes, no service” signs. The issue becomes a little greyer in some cases. If Ginter had a facial tattoo related to religion or nationality, there might be more grounds for a complaint. But a facial tattoo or physical appearance alone is not prohibited ground in the eyes of the law.
As frustrating as this may be for Ginter and others that have been discriminated against due to facial tattoos, it’s perfectly legal. This sort of bias is one big reason why many tattoo shops refuse to do “life ruining” tattoos such as graphic images, crude words, or facial tattoos.
Nobody should be denied entry or service due to facial tattoos, especially innocent ones that aren’t rude or graphic. However, with the law not on their side, it’s something that people with tattoos in these locations should prepare for.
This case is precisely why we always encourage our clients to think carefully before selecting their tattoo design and location. Whether or not it’s right, people can and will discriminate based on how many tattoos, what tattoo designs, and where the tattoos are located. If you want to discuss this more, or want to get some new ink (facial or otherwise) please contact us! We look forward to hearing from you!
Monday, May 28, 2018
Monday, May 14, 2018
The Oringinal Avengers Got Matching Tattoos!
Celebrity friends getting matching tattoos is nothing new. But it's always nice to see a cast that has worked on multiple movies do it. The OG Avengers just went under the needle and got matching tattoos to celebrate the release of Avengers: Infinity War.
Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Chris Evans (Captain America) and Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) all got matching Avengers tattoos. The sixth original member, Mark Ruffalo that plays Hulk, was asked but apparently declines. Still, five out of six isn't bad.
The tattoos were done by Joshua Lord of East Side Ink Tattoos. Evans and Johansson were the first to get inked in New York. Lord then flew out to LA to tattoo the rest.
So what exactly did they get tattooed? It's the Avengers symbol with an arrow and the number six. It's a pretty fitting design, and hopefully, Ruffalo changes his mind.
Each of them tattooed artist Joshua Lord too. No new on how that turned out, but who can say no to Captain America and Iron Man tattooing them?
If you want a tattoo worthy of a superhero, feel free to contact us to book an appointment, or stop by our downtown Toronto tattoo shop! New ink might not save the world, but it’ll keep you looking good while you enjoy life.
Monday, April 23, 2018
Q&A: Who’s To Blame If A Tattoo Is Misspelled?
Tattoo mistakes are never fun, but unfortunately, they happen. One of the most common errors is spelling mistakes. But who's at fault when this happens?
Well, it all depends on what stage the error was made at.

When It’s The Artist’s Fault
Artists try to not make mistakes, but they are only human. Typically a client will discuss their tattoo design with the artist, who will then go create a stencil. Once the stencil is approved they'll place it on the body giving the client an idea of how it will look. Then the tattooing process begins.Now because clients approve the final design, if the error happens at that stage, even if it's the artist the misspelled the word, if the client approves it, it's on them.
So any mistakes made after the tattooing process has begun is the artist's fault.

What Happens If It’s the Artists’ Fault
The good news is that almost every reputable tattoo shop will make every effort to fix the issue if it's the artist's fault. That could mean fixing the original design, doing a cover-up, or refunding the cost of the tattoo. It's usually decided on a case by case basis. But you can bet the artist will feel horrible and do everything they can to remedy it.
When It’s The Client’s Fault
Somehow it's even worse when it's the client's fault. It's on them to check the spelling and grammar of the final design. If you approve misspelled words, that's on you, not the artist.A lot of times clients come in with a word or a phrase written down and hand it to the artist to reformat it into an appropriate tattoo. Usually, if the artist notices a misspelled word they’ll ask the client, but sometimes they don’t notice or they assume it was intentional to the design.
So basically if the error happens during the design process and was approved by the client (whether they realized it or not) it's on them.

What Happens If It’s The Client’s Fault
Here’s where it gets tricky. Most tattoo shops want a happy client, so they'll try to work with them to fix the issue. If it's an easy fix they might do that for free, but if they can't it's even more complicated. The shop may offer a free cover-up or full refund, but since it's on the client they could only refund part of it or offer only a partial discount on the fix or coverup. Or, they could do nothing.
How To Avoid Misspelled Tattoos
Double and triple check any words or phrases for spelling or grammar mistakes. Running the sentence or words through Google is another great idea too as it will usually catch errors. Or you could show the design to family or friends since a fresh set of eyes is more likely to catch mistakes.Also, please do research before picking an artist.

To sum it up, if the spelling mistake happens during the design process and is approved by the client then the fault lies with them, but if it happens during the tattooing process and wasn’t on the original approved design it’s on the artist. No matter who's at fault you can bet the artist and shop will feel bad.
Monday, April 16, 2018
Nail Tattoos 101
Move over cuticle tattoos, this trend is the next evolution of tiny hand tattoos. Nail tattoos are exactly what they sound like, but there's some more info people should know before getting them. Here's everything you need to know about nail tattoos, the latest tattoo trend.
Did you know you can actually tattoo your fingernails? Well, you can. Other trends such as cuticle tattoos were on the area just around the nail, but this trend takes place on top of the nail itself.
As painful as it sounds to get your nails tattooed, it’s actually not that bad. Most people who've gotten them say they're pretty painless. That makes sense since your nail doesn't have any nerves. At most you'll feel some small fibrations on your fingers.
Small tattoos take more time to complete than people realize. The exact time all depends on how detailed the design is and how many fingers you're getting done, but the most amount of time goes into the consultation and planning. It should also be noted that these aren't permanent. As your nails grow out so will the ink. They should last around 6 weeks, but it all depends on your individual nail growth.
Nails are pretty small, so the design has to be too. Most nail tattoos fall into the minimalist style out of sheer necessity. Designs like letters, dots, lines, or simple images like flowers are popular.
This is a fairly new tattoo trend. So new in fact that only a few locations in the world probably do. If you’re looking for a local artist it’s best to find one that has done it before, or who at least has experience doing tiny tattoos. There's a risk of going too deep which can have serious consequences.
This tattoo trend certainly is crazy, but it’s definitely fun. If you’d like to learn more or want to book an appointment feel free to contact us or stop by our downtown Toronto tattoo shop.
Monday, April 2, 2018
Q&A: Can You Get A Tattoo If You're Sick?
Getting sick sucks, and it's even worse when you can't stay home with some soup and a box of tissues. But while life must go on, there are still some things you can't do when you're sick. Like, getting a tattoo.
We get asked all the time if people can get tattooed while fighting a cold, a cough, or even the flu. The answer is a solid NO. This is why it's a bad idea.
Immune System
When you're sick your body isn't at 100% and getting a tattoo puts a strain on your body. A new tattoo is no different from any other wound to your body, so it works to heal the area. If your sick, your body is already working to fight that so trying to heal a tattoo at the same time could push it too hard. Basically, your immune system can't fight off a virus/bacteria and heal your tattoo at the same time.
Healing Time
Simply put, if your body is fighting a battle on two fronts it can't be as effective. It also can't do it as fast as normal. This means that your tattoo won't heal as quickly. The longer a wound is open the greater chance of infection there is.
Spreading Germs
No one likes that person that gets everyone sick. Your tattoo artist has to get pretty close to you, so if your sick chances are you'll get them sick too. So do everyone a favor and just reschedule your appointment if you're not feeling well.
Sitting Still
People often forget this, but you have to sit pretty still when getting tattooed otherwise you could cause your artist to make a mistake. You know what causes your body to move a lot? Being sick. Think about how much your body moves when you cough or sneeze.
Aftercare Time
Being sick doesn’t just complicate the actual tattooing process, but it also impacts your ability to care for it afterward. A fresh tattoo needs care, and if you don’t follow proper aftercare you increase your chances of infection or ruining your tattoo. Are you really going to feel like running out to get tattoo cream when you can barely breathe out of your stuffed nose? Are you really going to want to wash your new ink when you have a fever? Make aftercare easier for yourself by just waiting until you're better to get inked.
So what if you’re feeling better but are still on medications? We recommend you still stay at home and reschedule. Even if you’re feeling better, taking medication means your body still isn’t at it’s best. Your body is still running hard, even if you no longer feel the symptoms of the sickness. Plus, certain medications can aggravate the healing process. If you’re on medications for reasons other than small illnesses, contact your doctor and get their advice regarding tattoos. Be sure to also discuss any medication you’re taking or any long-term medical conditions you have with your tattoo artists.
It sucks having to put off a new tattoo, especially if you've been looking forward to it. But do everyone a favor, including us and you, and just rebook your appointment. It's important that you're at your best so that your tattoo turns out perfect.Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need to reschedule your booking.
Monday, March 19, 2018
The Differences Between Dermal, Surface, and Regular Piercings
There are tons of different piercings, which unfortunately means people sometimes get confused about the differences between them. Piercings can differ based on location, jewelry type, and how it's inserted into the body.
When it comes to piercings there are three ways it can be done: regular, dermal, and surface. Here are the differences between them.
Regular Piercings
Regular piercings are what most people are familiar with. It’s when the skin is piercer all the way through. Think of a basic earlobe piercing. That’s an example of a regular piercing. The needle goes in one side of the skin and comes out on the other side. Regular piercings are the easiest to do, the cheapest, and heal the quickest.
Cost: Regular piercings are the cheapest. Most of the cost goes towards jewelry.
Heal Time: It depends on the location of the body. Lip and earlobe piercings heal faster than areas that have more cartilage like the upper ear and nose.
Jewelry: Studs, rings, and barbells can all be used for regular piercings. Some jewelry works in certain locations on the body better than others.
Dermal Piercings
Dermal piercings are more complicated than regular ones, and they are composed of two parts, the piercing, and the anchor. A small pouch is made under the skin where the anchor is then placed. The chosen jewelry is then pierced through only one side of the skin and attached to the anchor.
Dermal piercings are super versatile and can be put almost anywhere on the body. Some people find their body rejects them and notice their piercing coming to the surface of their skin. That’s rare though so don’t be too worried about it. Dermal piercings do hurt a little more, depending on where they’re placed, and they require more skill than regular piercings. It can also take longer for them to heal.
Cost: Dermal piercings are more expensive as they require more skill, special equipment, and specific jewelry.
Heal Time: This type of piercing usually takes 6-12 weeks to heal fully, though it could be longer depending on the individual.
Jewelry: Specialized jewelry is needed for dermal piercings. Jewelry is typically a stud shape.
Surface Piercings
Surface piercings involve two holes, with the jewelry running under the skin and coming out of the ends. Most surface piercings use bar type jewelry to achieve this look. The issue with surface piercings is that they put strain on your skin. Most people’s bodies end up rejecting the piercing, meaning they don’t last forever.
There are a few limitations to surface piercings. They don’t do well on flat surfaces on the body, which means they can’t be put anywhere. They tend to take awhile to heal too, longer than dermal or regular ones.
Cost: Surface piercings cost more than regular ones, but not as much as dermal. They don’t last forever though so think carefully about if you want one.
Heal Time: Surface piercings usually take at least 3 months of healing before jewelry can even be changed, and need longer to be fully healed.
Jewelry: Barbell jewelry is typically used for surface piercings.
If you still have questions about the differences between piercings, feel free to contact us or stop by our tattoo shop. It’s important that everyone knows exactly what type of piercing they’re getting and everything that comes with getting it. Make sure to pick a professional piercer that has experience in the type of piercing you want to get. More skill and experience is needed to have a good dermal or surface piercing.
Monday, February 26, 2018
5 Spots On The Body Where Tattoos Are More Likely To Fade
Tattoos are permanent, but that doesn’t mean they’ll stay looking good forever. Every tattoo fades, but how much it does depend on how much you protect it, your lifestyle, and where on the body it’s located. Some locations, unfortunately, fade faster than others, so if you want your tattoo to stay looking fresh and avoid going in for retouches, avoid these 5 spots.
Your hands are used every single day, for almost everything. They take a lot of wear, which unfortunately means your tattoo will too. Not only are your hands exposed to the sun a lot, the skin on there also doesn’t take ink well which leads to blurring and fading. Little finger tats may be trendy, but they won’t stay Instagramable forever.
Like hands, feet take a lot of wear too. Ink here is more susceptible to fading because of constantly rubbing from socks and shoes. Barefoot would help, but then your feet would be exposed to sunlight which also causes fading so no matter what expect your foot tat to fade more quickly than other places.
Not only do elbow tattoos hurt, but they also fade pretty easily. Outer elbow tattoos especially. The skin there is constantly being bent and rubbed up against, plus it’s usually exposed to the elements.
Arms generally get more sunlight than other parts of the body. Most people expose their arms during the warmer months, but this sun exposure and UV rays lead to fading. Inner arms aren’t any better because they’re constantly being rubbed up against your body or clothing.
Although face tattoos are a little taboo still, the rising popularity of cosmetic tattoos (such as eyebrow microblading) means more people are getting inked there. Just know that your face gets a lot of sun exposure, which causes fading. If you have a face tattoo, permanent or semi-permanent, use a face moisturizer with some SPF in it to limit fading.
Places That Fade The Least
The good news is that not every spot on the body fades as much or as quickly. Of course, it all depends on what areas of the body get exposed to the elements and rubbed up against the most, but these areas generally fade less.
· Inner Forearm
· Upper Chest
· Back of Neck
· Lower Back
Fading is something that will happen to every tattoo, no matter how well you take care of it. How much it fades though depends on your body, your lifestyle, how much sunlight it gets, and where on the body it is located. You can decrease fading by keeping the tattoo moisturized, protected from the sun (by clothing and sunscreen), and avoid tight clothing that would rub against it.
At the end of the day though, don’t stress too much about fading. Tattoo artists can always go in and add more ink to freshen it up later on. Take care of yourself and enjoy your tattoo! If you want to learn more feel free to contact us or book an appointment.
Monday, February 5, 2018
The Meaning Behind PM Justin Trudeau’s Tattoo
Justin Trudeau is a lot of things- the Prime Minister of Canada, the most attractive world leader, and someone with a tattoo. Society is more accepting of tattoos today, but for a politician, and one as high up as Trudeau, sporting ink openly is daring. It was a shocker when Trudeau showed off his massive upper arm tattoo, and it left people wondering what the meaning behind it was, and well now we know.
Tattoo Design
Trudeau’s tattoo is actually two separate ones blended together. He got a globe when he was 23 years old. When he turned 40, he added a Haida raven onto it completing the ink.
While we might never know why 23-year-old Trudeau got a globe, it turned out to be a smart choice considering he’s one of the most powerful world leaders. The raven element has more meaning. The Haida are natives of the Haida Gwaii territory in BC and Alaska and are one of Canada’s First Nations tribes. People believe Trudeau got the tattoo to honor his father, former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, who was declared an honorary member of the Haida tribe in 1976.
What Justin Trudeau’s tattoo shows us is that one, yes, even politicians can have tattoos and two, maybe think about whether or not you should get a cultural tattoo. Think about how much fun we make of all those people with bad Chinese symbols on their body.
If you want to book an appointment feel free to contact our downtown Toronto tattoo shop!
Monday, January 22, 2018
This Is How To Tell If A Piercing Is Infected
New piercings are exciting, but it’s not unusual for a client to return a few days later in a panic because they think it’s infected. Most of the time it’s not, and it’s just the piercing healing naturally. The symptoms of healing and infection are similar, so confusion is common. It’s always best to check with your piercer first if you’re concerned about infected, but here’s how to judge if it’s infected or not.
Depending on the piercing location and style, it can take weeks if not months for it to fully heal. But most piercings look “healed” before they actually are. For roughly 24-72 hours after a piercing, you will experience redness, soreness, irritation, and swelling at the sight of the piercing. This is completely normal and isn’t any cause for concern.
A sign of infection is if these symptoms get worse as times goes on or if they linger for a while. A good idea is to keep an eye on the piercing, noting if the swelling or redness spreads or increases. Take pictures if possible to keep track of it.
While swelling is perfectly normal, it can be dangerous if it gets too bad. Swelling can cause loss of function. Excessive swelling isn’t always a sign of infection though. It could be that your piercing is too small, and just needs to be replaced with a larger one until it heals. Return to your piercer if the swelling becomes too painful or uncomfortable.
Discomfort the day of or the day after a piercing is normal. It generally takes a day or more of signs of infection to even develop. Old piercings are also unlikely to get infected unless there has been a recent injury to is.
Part of the reasons it’s hard for people to determine if their piercing is infected is because the symptoms of infection are similar to how a fresh piercing heals. That’s why it’s important to not look at the symptoms in isolation. Here are the most common symptoms of infection though:
· Redness (especially if it gets worse or spreads)
o A new piercing may be red or pinkish for a few days. If the redness gets worse or starts spreading keep an eye on it for other symptoms of infection.
· Swelling
o Some swelling is normal, but it should subside after a couple of days. If the swelling gets worse or appears suddenly it could be an infection.
· Pain
o Your new piercing will be sensitive and sore for a few days. If you notice the pain lingering or getting worse this is a symptom of infection. However, if you have recently snagged or irritated your piercing, this could also be a cause.
· Heat
o Infected piercings may feel inflamed or hot to the touch. If you touch your piercing be sure to wash your hands first.
· Discharge and pus
o Some oozing is perfectly normal, and part of the natural healing process. Clear or straw-colored fluid is normal, but is the discharge is thick, whitish or colored (like yellow or green), or smelly it might be infected.
Some areas of the body are more prone to infection than others. Your professional piercer will let you know this at the time of the piercing. Navel (belly button) and tongue piercing shave a higher risk of infection.
Belly button piercings are more prone for a few reasons. First, they’re in touch-prone locations. The belly button is constantly rubbing up against clothing and other objects, which introduce bacteria to the area. Belly buttons are also warm, and sometimes damp, places, which increase the risk of infection.
Tongue piercings are especially prone to infection. Your mouth is full of bacteria, which is a big cause. Tongue infections are especially serious. Complications can cause tongue numbness or even brain infections.
Avoiding Infections
The good news is that infections aren’t as common as people suspect. They’re also extremely easy to avoid. After you get your new piercing, your piercer will go over proper aftercare instructions. Make sure you listen and follow them. Different piercings have different cleaning requirements, so don’t assume you know what to do. Don’t be afraid to ask any questions either. Even if you think it’s a dumb question, we’d rather you ask.
Aftercare isn’t just about how to clean your piercings. It’s also about how to generally take care of it. For example, you should avoid sleeping on it, wearing clothing that may catch it, touching it with unwashed hands, or removing the piercing.
Another way to avoid an infection is to go to a reputable piercer. Never go to a Claire’s or mall piercer. These people aren’t properly trained, and the equipment they use often isn’t properly cleaned. Trained piercers work out of licensed studios. Most tattoo shops in Toronto have professional piercers that work in the studio.
Getting Help
So what should you do if you think your piercing is infected? A lot of places will tell you to go to a doctor, but the first person you should see if your piercer. Doctors, while trained professionals aren’t that great at telling if a piercing is infected. They often recommend just removing the piercing which can be bad. Removing an infected piercing can make things worse. It can trap the infection, rather than heal it.
Visit your piercer, or another professional piercer, first. These people are trained in piercers and can quickly tell you what to do. They’ll tell you whether you should see a doctor, how to clear it up, and whether or not you should remove it.
If you have any more questions or want to learn more about what piercers we offer at our downtown Toronto tattoo shop, please contact us. We’d love to hear from you and set up an appointment.
Monday, January 15, 2018
Q&A: How To Tip Your Tattoo Artist?
It should be said from the beginning, that tipping for tattoos isn’t just nice it’s expected. Many tattoo artists will tell you “if you can’t afford a tip, you can’t afford a tattoo”. Tipping in Toronto isn’t complicated, but here’s what you should know before walking into that tattoo shop.
Average Tip is 15-35%
Tipping is absolutely expected. Add 15-35% extra to the cost of the tattoo as a tip. The average tip is around 20%, but some people tip a bit more or less depending on the size and level of detail.
With Multiple Session Tattoos Tipping Is Up To You
Larger tattoos will require multiple sessions to complete it. This can complicate tipping. It’s up to the client whether or not you want to tip at the end of each session or wait until the end. Most tattoo artists prefer smaller tips at the end of each session, but if you let them know you’re waiting until the end they’re fine with that as well. As long as they know they won’t be getting stiffed, tattoo artists are good.
Compliments and Gifts Are Nice, But Not Replacements
Ever hear the saying, “compliments don’t pay bills”? Well, it’s true. As great as gifts and compliments are, they aren’t things we can use to pay our bills. Tattoo artists are professionals that expect to get paid for their services. And like other industries, like salons and restaurants, tips are apart of that payment.
Tattoo Artists Aren’t Rich
While some tattoo artists make it big, most don’t. Tattoo shops often take a percentage of each tattoo. Artists also have to pay for equipment like ink, needles, and other supplies. Tips are important and matter more than people realize.
Tattoo Artists Deserve Tips
You should recognize that this person is marking your body forever. If they do a good job with that, they deserve that tip. Tattoo artists work hard to make clients happy, so give them the respect they deserve and tip accordingly.
Tip Accordingly
While tipping is important, the rules become fuzzy if a client isn’t happy with their tattoos. If you aren’t happy with the final product, discuss this with your artist, and give them a chance to fix it. Tipping is a judgment call. If you love a tattoo tip more than average if you like it tip average, and if you are unhappy tip less or none at all. Just try not to be a jerk.
All Tips Are Great, But Cash Is Best
Tattoo artists aren’t picky, they’ll take tips in whatever form whether that’s cash or credit. Most artists prefer cash though. It’s quick, easy to use right away, and they don’t have to go through the process of calculating and cashing it out at the end of the day.
Tipping tattoo artists in Toronto is pretty simple. It’s just like tipping in a restaurant or salon. A decent tip is expected, but the client determines the amount according to the level of work. Expect to add on at least 20% to the quoted price, if not more. Try to tip in cash, always convey your feelings truthfully to your artist, and most of all if you can’t afford a tip you can’t afford a tattoo. If you have any questions about tipping feel free to contact us or visit our downtown Toronto tattoo shop.
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