Monday, April 2, 2018

Q&A: Can You Get A Tattoo If You're Sick?

Getting sick sucks, and it's even worse when you can't stay home with some soup and a box of tissues. But while life must go on, there are still some things you can't do when you're sick. Like, getting a tattoo.
We get asked all the time if people can get tattooed while fighting a cold, a cough, or even the flu. The answer is a solid NO. This is why it's a bad idea.

Immune System
When you're sick your body isn't at 100% and getting a tattoo puts a strain on your body. A new tattoo is no different from any other wound to your body, so it works to heal the area. If your sick, your body is already working to fight that so trying to heal a tattoo at the same time could push it too hard. Basically, your immune system can't fight off a virus/bacteria and heal your tattoo at the same time.

Healing Time
Simply put, if your body is fighting a battle on two fronts it can't be as effective. It also can't do it as fast as normal. This means that your tattoo won't heal as quickly. The longer a wound is open the greater chance of infection there is.

Spreading Germs
No one likes that person that gets everyone sick. Your tattoo artist has to get pretty close to you, so if your sick chances are you'll get them sick too. So do everyone a favor and just reschedule your appointment if you're not feeling well.

Sitting Still
People often forget this, but you have to sit pretty still when getting tattooed otherwise you could cause your artist to make a mistake. You know what causes your body to move a lot? Being sick. Think about how much your body moves when you cough or sneeze.

Aftercare Time
Being sick doesn’t just complicate the actual tattooing process, but it also impacts your ability to care for it afterward. A fresh tattoo needs care, and if you don’t follow proper aftercare you increase your chances of infection or ruining your tattoo. Are you really going to feel like running out to get tattoo cream when you can barely breathe out of your stuffed nose? Are you really going to want to wash your new ink when you have a fever? Make aftercare easier for yourself by just waiting until you're better to get inked.

So what if you’re feeling better but are still on medications? We recommend you still stay at home and reschedule. Even if you’re feeling better, taking medication means your body still isn’t at it’s best. Your body is still running hard, even if you no longer feel the symptoms of the sickness. Plus, certain medications can aggravate the healing process. If you’re on medications for reasons other than small illnesses, contact your doctor and get their advice regarding tattoos. Be sure to also discuss any medication you’re taking or any long-term medical conditions you have with your tattoo artists.

It sucks having to put off a new tattoo, especially if you've been looking forward to it. But do everyone a favor, including us and you, and just rebook your appointment. It's important that you're at your best so that your tattoo turns out perfect.Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need to reschedule your booking.

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