Monday, June 12, 2017

Everything You Need To Know About Pregnancy and Piercings

Piercers get asked all the time how pregnancy will affect piercings. Certain piercing locations, such as facial ones, usually aren’t affected. Other places will be impacted. Everyone experienced different changes during pregnancy so some individuals have issues while others don’t. You should always contact your specific piercer if you have any issues but here a few things to keep in mind about piercings and pregnancy.

Belly Button Piercings
It should come as no surprise to anyone that the stomach is what changes the most during pregnancy. What this means for piercings is that as the baby grows and the stomach expands belly button piercings will probably have to be removed. Not only will the area become tight and uncomfortable, but even innie belly buttons become outies.

The good new is that they make special large plastic curved barbell piercings for pregnancy. They are flexible so they bend easily and can be worn during ultrasound appointments. Some women opt to just remove their piercings altogether during pregnancy, which is an option too.

Nipple Piercings
Nipple piercings are also affected by pregnancy. They don’t always have to be removed but the breasts become larger and more sensitive during pregnancy. Piercings here can become uncomfortable.

During breastfeeding, nipple piercings do have to be removed. A piercing can cause the baby to have trouble latching, they may damage their mouths, and there’s always the risk of the jewelry choking them. Some women remove the piercings only when feeding and then put them back in. This is an option but the nipples may become sore and the piercings have to be kept very clean when removed to avoid infection. The piercings may close if removed but can easily be re-pierced later on.

Genital Piercings
Genital piercings may be affected depending on where they are. Clitoral ones usually aren’t a problem except for slight discomfort at times when the area becomes swollen. Most doctors do require all genital piercings to be removed when it comes time to giving birth. This is done to limit the risk to the baby and yourself as it could get caught on the baby or the area could tear during birth.

New Piercings
No doctor, piercer, or tattoo artist recommends getting any new ink or piercing while pregnant or breastfeeding. In fact, most tattoo shops will refuse. Even when carefully done there is a risk of infection. They body runs harder during pregnancy making the immune system compromised. It’s best to wait for you and your child until you have given birth and the child is weaned.

Piercings during pregnancy really depend on the individual. If you experience any discomfort it’s best to remove them. Even if the holes close they can always be re-pierced later. If you have any questions feel free to contact a Toronto Tattoo Shop. 

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